Variable Frequency Drives

Variable frequency drives finds an important place in Industry due to various benefits from speed regulation, energy efficiency to process benefits. However basic know-how for drives is common in Industry but application specific knowledge comes from an experience. With right experience of implementation in applications will result in utmost benefits of drives in terms of  energy savings and process benefits.

MV Drives

Medium Voltage AC Drive

We are specialised for process applications of MV Drives for various process industries including Power, Cement, Metals & Minerals, Chemical, Oil & Gas, Water, Infrastructure etc. Our offering for MV drives includes complete Range of MV Drives from 2.2kV, 3.3kV, 4.16kV, 6.6kV, 7.2kV and 11kV for General Purpose and Special Purpose machines for various power requirements (250kW to 100MW).

We are offering Complete Range from ABB, i.e. ACS1000, ACS2000, ACS5000, ACS580MV, ACS6000 and Megadrive LCI.

LV Drives

We are focused for LV drives solutions for process applications providing complete panel solution with drives modules. Offering for LV Drives includes complete Range of LV Drives from 415V to 690V for General Purpose and Special Purpose machines for various power requirements.



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